Текст песни: 86 Newman - 1
Why do you have to be so rude
You need a change of attitude
Why are you such a bitch ass trick
Stick with your clique
Why do you have to be so loud
You`re a dick and you`re so so proud
This is a message that I must convey
I have to say
I hate you and your ways
Soon you`re gonna see the end of your days
I have you and your crew
Soon we`re gonna see the end of you
How can one person be so cool
Look at all the girlies drool
They don`t realize that you`re such a fake
What a mistake
How can one person be so tough
When it counts you`re not tough enough
This is a message that I must convey
I have to say
I hate you (6x)
You have a little dick
I hate you (6x)
You are a fucking prick
I hate you (3x)
And your fucking crew
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Why do you have to be so rude
You need a change of attitude
Why are you such a bitch ass trick
Stick with your clique
Why do you have to be so loud
You`re a dick and you`re so so proud
This is a message that I must convey
I have to say
I hate you and your ways
Soon you`re gonna see the end of your days
I have you and your crew
Soon we`re gonna see the end of you
How can one person be so cool
Look at all the girlies drool
They don`t realize that you`re such a fake
What a mistake
How can one person be so tough
When it counts you`re not tough enough
This is a message that I must convey
I have to say
I hate you (6x)
You have a little dick
I hate you (6x)
You are a fucking prick
I hate you (3x)
And your fucking crew
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