Текст песни: gandharvas - The Very Thing
Something more than an absence
Nothing less than not being there.
All I know is that to me you were never all for nothing.
Nothing more than an empty offer
Something less received in full.
All i fear is that you will be the very thing i cannot endure...
All for nothing when there`s something
In the lack of all together
For something when there`s nothing
But the lack of all together. Together.
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Something more than an absence
Nothing less than not being there.
All I know is that to me you were never all for nothing.
Nothing more than an empty offer
Something less received in full.
All i fear is that you will be the very thing i cannot endure...
All for nothing when there`s something
In the lack of all together
For something when there`s nothing
But the lack of all together. Together.
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