Текст песни: Yearwood Trisha - Woman Walk The Line
Don`t bother sittin` at my table
Just because I`m on my own
Yes I`m a woman and I`m lonely
But that don`t mean I can`t be strong
Once again he`s not beside me
And tonight he won`t be coming home
so I just need a place to miss my baby
When he goes out to do me wrong
Tonight I want to do some drinkin`
I came to listen to the band
Yes I`m as good as what you`re thinkin`
But I don`t want to hold your hand
And I know I`m lookin` lonely
but there`s nothing here I want to find
It`s just the way of a woman
When she goes out to walk the line
Every night`s a little longer
Than the one that came before
But when I hear them sing a sad song
I know just what I`m cryin` for
I don`t want to stay home waitin`
Don`t have to wonder where he`s been
He`ll be someone else`s baby
Before he`s in my arms again
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Don`t bother sittin` at my table
Just because I`m on my own
Yes I`m a woman and I`m lonely
But that don`t mean I can`t be strong
Once again he`s not beside me
And tonight he won`t be coming home
so I just need a place to miss my baby
When he goes out to do me wrong
Tonight I want to do some drinkin`
I came to listen to the band
Yes I`m as good as what you`re thinkin`
But I don`t want to hold your hand
And I know I`m lookin` lonely
but there`s nothing here I want to find
It`s just the way of a woman
When she goes out to walk the line
Every night`s a little longer
Than the one that came before
But when I hear them sing a sad song
I know just what I`m cryin` for
I don`t want to stay home waitin`
Don`t have to wonder where he`s been
He`ll be someone else`s baby
Before he`s in my arms again
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Еще тексты песен: Yearwood Trisha
Hard Promises To Keep
How Do I Live
I Wanna Go Too Far
If I Ain`t Got You
It Wasn`t His Child
Little Hercules
O Mexico
Perfect Love
The Restless Kind
There Goes My Baby
Two Days From Knowing
Under The Rainbow
Where Your Road Leads
Woman Walk The Line
Xxx`s And Ooo`s (An American Girl)
You Can Sleep While I Drive
You Say You Will
How Do I Live
I Wanna Go Too Far
If I Ain`t Got You
It Wasn`t His Child
Little Hercules
O Mexico
Perfect Love
The Restless Kind
There Goes My Baby
Two Days From Knowing
Under The Rainbow
Where Your Road Leads
Woman Walk The Line
Xxx`s And Ooo`s (An American Girl)
You Can Sleep While I Drive
You Say You Will