Текст песни: Naked Agression - Bitter Youth
Bitter youth angry youth we are pissed off and we will fight back
Society tells us how to be I want no part of it
How to act, what to believe I want no part of it
Conformity I want no part of it conformity - its not for me!
I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back!
Bitter youth angry youth we are pissed off and we will fight back
Getting rich from greediness I want no part of it
Money cant buy happiness I want no part of it
The american dream is full of shit I want no part of it
The american dream is full of shit - its full of shit!
I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society
No! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back! bitter youth angry youth
We are pissed off and we will fight back
Greedy lawmakers and redneck police I want no part of it
Force on us their fucked up beliefs I want no part of it
The mainstream world wont let me be
Cant they see I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back!
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Bitter youth angry youth we are pissed off and we will fight back
Society tells us how to be I want no part of it
How to act, what to believe I want no part of it
Conformity I want no part of it conformity - its not for me!
I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back!
Bitter youth angry youth we are pissed off and we will fight back
Getting rich from greediness I want no part of it
Money cant buy happiness I want no part of it
The american dream is full of shit I want no part of it
The american dream is full of shit - its full of shit!
I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society
No! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back! bitter youth angry youth
We are pissed off and we will fight back
Greedy lawmakers and redneck police I want no part of it
Force on us their fucked up beliefs I want no part of it
The mainstream world wont let me be
Cant they see I want no part of it no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no! we wont be a part of your society no!
We wont be a part of your society no!
Well fight back, well fight back!
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Еще тексты песен: Naked Agression
Bitter Youth
Break Away
Break The Walls
Censored Truth
Comfortably Dumb
Death to All The Pigs
Dont Waste My Time
Everyday Another Conflict
False Hope
Hardcore Guys
In The Night
Killing Floor
Leave Me Alone
Life on The Road
Lock Us Away
March March Along
Ode to a Fucked up World
Out of Control
Plastic World
Problems in Your Head
Religious Lies
Revolution on The Way
Right Now
Road to Ruin
Silent War
Smash The State
Stagger On
Stay Away
They Cant Get Me Down
Time Bomb
Under 18
Us Against Them
Walking Around
Why Do They Fuck up My World
Wound Up
Bitter Youth
Break Away
Break The Walls
Censored Truth
Comfortably Dumb
Death to All The Pigs
Dont Waste My Time
Everyday Another Conflict
False Hope
Hardcore Guys
In The Night
Killing Floor
Leave Me Alone
Life on The Road
Lock Us Away
March March Along
Ode to a Fucked up World
Out of Control
Plastic World
Problems in Your Head
Religious Lies
Revolution on The Way
Right Now
Road to Ruin
Silent War
Smash The State
Stagger On
Stay Away
They Cant Get Me Down
Time Bomb
Under 18
Us Against Them
Walking Around
Why Do They Fuck up My World
Wound Up